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Assignment Week 1- Social Responsibility and ethics

Assignment Week 1- Social Responsibility and ethics

Q Write a 1200 word paper using APA format discussing social responsibility. Remember to properly use and cite at least 3 sources including your textbook. In-text citations are required to validate your points. Make sure to address the following: Define social responsibility and responsibilities companies have regarding their obligations and governing regulations. Discuss implementing social responsibility programs and the impact it has. Discuss how businesses manage social responsibility. Discus ethics and social responsibility and managements roll in today’s business. Answer One Definition of social responsibility The term social responsibility relates to the fact that companies or individuals fulfill certain actions that suits the needs of people within the society and goes in pace with it. It even leads to maintaining a good ethical balance with the environment. Responsibilities that companies have regarding obligations and governing regulations

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Social Responsibility involves carrying out certain actions that can benefit society or do not harm it. It goes beyond considering profit returns or seek investment but contributes towards the welfare and safety of society. Policies and procedures should be made by the companies to promote this kind of social welfare by socially responsible employees. Decisions should be taken by considering their impact on the environment and society. A company's corporate social responsibility or CSR indicates that the companies pay attention to the goals of the society also and support the society by does not contribute to any ill factor (Ferrell & Hair, 2019). Companies should pay attention to social responsibility and accordingly, all the internal factors of a company are to be monitored by the leaders.